What's Satoshi Private Key?

Bitcoin In the Year 2140
A Journey Together To Build A Better World With Bitcoin Accretive Force

Hi Everyone,

I am Vishvas. My friends call me Yar (Yar means a dear friend in Hindi)! You can call me Vishvas (V-ih-sh-w-aa-s) or Yar for now. :)

I created Satoshi Private Key on July 7th, 2023, upon reading a Tweet from Bitcoin Magazine that we are three weeks away from 800,000 block of Bitcoin. So as you can guess already, yes I am a Bitcoiner!

I "came out" as a Bitcoiner recently! "Fear of being judged" is a real barrier to adoption of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

How do we know this? Because of an independent organization called Sprial! Spiral's purpose is to Making bitcoin more than an investment! Read more about them here.

I am not important! What's important is to know the following for our discussion here today:

There are only two types of people in this world:

  • People who are Already A Satoshi!
  • People who are NOT A Satoshi YET!

Satoshi Private Key purpose is very simple: To have more of the first kind versus second kind!

To accomplish our purpose, we are starting with the following four goals for us:

4 Goals of Satoshi Private Key

1) Help 10,000 People Learn One New Thing About The Basics of Bitcoin

To accomplish this priority, we soon plan to launch our series of blogs called Bitcoin is Not Hard!

Here is the link to this series of our blog posts:

Bitcoin Is Not Hard - Satoshi Private Key
Sound Money & Freedom are two sides of the same coin. Step Away from the price of Bitcoin to Learn Why Bitcoin is the Best Sound Money Ever Created!

2) Motivate 1000 people start a new savings goal with bitcoin

In this series, we will explore how Bitcoin is changing the world, one step at a time and how everyone can gain wealth simply by starting a new savings goal with bitcoin today.

This series is called A Bitcoin Maximalist View! In this series, we explore how Bitcoin is changing the world, one step at a time. We discuss various topics including the technology, impact, regulations, products, and services that are enabling the advancement of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem.

Here is a link to this series of blogs:

A Bitcoin Maximalist View - Bitcoin is Sound Money & Freedom
Sound Money & Freedom are two sides of the same coin. Step Away from the price of Bitcoin to Learn Why Bitcoin is the Best Sound Money Ever Created!

If you are new to Bitcoin, this series is for you! You know a little bit about how Bitcoin works, but you are still not fully familiar with it. By learning more about the future potential of Bitcoin, we hope to motivate 1000 people start a new savings goal with bitcoin today!

3) Enable 100 people self-custody their bitcoin

We thoroughly enjoyed the raw conversation two of my favorite Jack's had that day on the first episode of The Money Matter Podcast! :)

Inspired by the opening question from Jack Mallers to Jack Dorsey on "America has problem", we think Bitcoin Has A Problem as well.

In this series, we will explore these Bitcoin problems in details together. We will also explore if and how they are being solved and what are the remaining gaps.

If you understand the basics of Bitcoin already but have questions about its long-term potential and growth, this series is for you.

By highlighting the current problems and potential solutions of the Bitcoin ecosystem in a fair, transparent, and balanced manner, we foster a more informed and committed community of Bitcoin users. A community that recognizes the true meaning of a self-bearer asset and adopts self-custody for them.

We are currently researching topics and ideas about this series. When it gets live, you can directly access it from here:

Bitcoin Has A Problem - Bitcoin is Sound Money & Freedom
Sound Money & Freedom are two sides of the same coin. Step Away from the price of Bitcoin to Learn Why Bitcoin is the Best Sound Money Ever Created!

4) Launch our first open-source bitcoin-powered product

The other day, I was able to build my own AI bot fine-tuned on the Bitcoin Whitepaper with these new platforms like Chatbase and CustomGPT.ai in a few minutes. And I am someone who does not know how to code at all!

I named it "Assistant to Satoshi", not "Assistant Satoshi."! (The Office reference)

My thought was to embed this AI Bot at the bottom of every blog post I write. My thinking was this can become an "engagement tool for readers who want to learn more about what they just read." The possibilities could be endless! Users can have a conversation, personalized videos could be generated on the spot, users could interact in the form of a video game, and so on!

I even embed this AI Bot in a blog of mine for a few minutes and it went live!

But then I took it down right away! (A) Because it was just a very early prototype, and (B) I could not figure out how to make it open-source.

I also tried building my own Decentralized Web App (DWA) the other day. A few hours into it, I was making good progress before I had to stop as Web5 is not ready yet. Here is my tweet about it:

These experiences taught me something very valuable: we are entering an era where even creators like me with zero coding experience could at least become hackers, if not developers! Without learning any code at all!

We have not decided on exactly what will be our first product, but we have a few principles in mind: For instance, we are a big believer in the future of self-owned data economy and enabling universal basic income through data dividends. And we believe bitcoin has a big role to play in this idea.  

So here is my crazy plan for now:

We are launching a sci-fi series called The Real Satoshi Nakamoto! This series is about the quest for Satoshi Nakamoto's private key(s) to bitcoin wallet(s).

Based in the year 2140, when the last bitcoin has already been mined, the world goes on a quest to find Satoshi's never before found private keys. Will they?

This series has everything from interplanetary travel to time travel, from spy chips to AI, and everything in between. Here is the link to this series:

The Real Satoshi Nakamoto - Satoshi Private Key
Sound Money & Freedom are two sides of the same coin. Step Away from the price of Bitcoin to Learn Why Bitcoin is the Best Sound Money Ever Created!

If you enjoy reading these stories, that means you are as crazy about Bitcoin as me. I would admit that I do not know most of there is to know about Bitcoin. But I am genuinely interested in learning more!

So if you are as crazy about Bitcoin as me, I would love to partner with you or simply get any guidance/resources you could offer in your free time!

Let's grab a virtual coffee and talk more soon? In the meantime, as we make progress on this fourth goal, we will transparently update our community accordingly.

A Personal Note from Me

Personally, I believe that Bitcoin is a ten thousand years journey for mankind.

In my opinion, ten thousand years from today, when "today" would have become an "historical age", the mankind would have entered a "new digital age."

This "new digital age" will have its own "A.D. and B.C" type dates to mark an inflection point into the beginning of this "new digital age."

We believe that "A.D. for this new digital age" will be October 31, 2008 when the Bitcoin Whitepaper first came out!

By fixing the forgotten HTTP 402 Payments Required error, Bitcoin advances the mankind forward into a new digital age.

There are four ways to use our money. Money can be saved, spend, shared, or invested! There is a lot of amazing development happening in the Bitcoin protocol ecosystem that are enabling applications of Bitcoin in a way that Bitcoin will become the native currency of the Internet for all these four ways to use our money.

I am not a developer or a finance guy, so currently I can't contribute to Bitcoin development in these ways.

But I am the first kind of person in our discussion above: A Satoshi Already!

Satoshi Private Key is my attempt to raise awareness about the broader Bitcoin ecosystem in a transparent, interesting, and fun way to further enable on-ramping of the next 100 million people into the world's best sound money ecosystem. :)

I tell these stories from my own perspective! A Satoshi's perspective. We are all Satoshis after all!

So Bitcoin should not be hard. Yes, Bitcoin has problems that are being solved. Solving these problems in an open-source manner is Nash Equilibrium. Attaining Nash Equilibrium is the fastest way to create new economies! And as Bitcoin creates new economies that bring meaningful changes to the world, everyone will have a maximalist view on Bitcoin one day!

After all, in our opinion, Bitcoin is a ten thousand years journey for mankind.

To Read more about me, please visit My Personal Blog at We Duh People. Here is my personal Twitter handle @VishvasGarg. If you would like to follow me there, feel free!

Or follow me on NOSTR; my public key to that is on my personal Twitter handle.

Chalo Phir Dosto,


A Yar & A Satoshi Already!

Created By: Vishvas Garg

Follow us on Twitter @SatoshisCoins

Visit our Hindi YouTube Channel: @SatoshisCoins